Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Bat Flip Heard 'Round The World

Another classic Sox-Yanks matchup last night.  With first place for the AL East on the line, tension was high amongst the players on both rosters. 

Jacoby Ellsbury didn’t seem to let it get to him though, slapping a quick home-run off of the intimidated-looking Freddy Garcia during the first at-bat of the game.  It was like getting points just for putting your name on the SAT.  Starting off in the black.

When Ortiz knocked a bomb out of right field to put the Sox up 6-1, his reaction to his hit was classic.  He abruptly flipped the bat back towards the Sox bench, not even watching as the baseball soared over the outfield grass. 

To say the least, Yanks manager Joe Girardi wasn’t pleased with Ortiz’s reaction to his homerun.  Seriously?  Come on, Joe.  I know you’re the Yanks manager and you have a special duty to hate everything Red Sox, but you have a team full of some of the cockiest players in the league.  You have no right to criticize Ortiz for a little bat flip.  This should have been a non-issue.  Something not even discussed.  But instead it’s blowing up ESPN articles left and right.  “Was Ortiz wrong?” “Was it an inappropriate reaction?”


Ortiz summed it all up pretty well: “Big deal. I enjoy the game. I’m a home run hitter. It’s not like I do it all the time. It’s part of the excitement, you know what I mean? What can I tell you?”

Perfect response from the lovable big guy.  He’s not going to take any crap from Girardi about how he handles his Louisville Slugger after he hits a home run.  Good for you, Papi. 

Unsolicited Prediction For Bruins Game 4:  Brew Crew win by one, Timmy Thomas wears a Hannibal Lecter mask to start the game, Alex Burrows disappoints Canucks fans everywhere with another underwhelming performance (too tired from sleeping with one eye open).

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