Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Am Jacoby, Hear Me Roar

It must be rough to be a Cleveland fan today.  The Indians stand at 54-54 on the season, second place in a measly AL Central division, and have been sent home packing the last two nights on two walk-off hits by Jacoby.  As if simply losing a game isn't bad enough...

I have a hard time feeling too badly for them though.  The Red Sox were nice about the beatings!  They let the Indians hang around, garner some hope, get a few hits...we let them feel good about themselves!  But, sadly for the Indians, the better team needs to win in the end.  And the Red Sox, my friends, are a much better team.

Jacoby must be on top of the world right now.  He had never hit a walk-off hit before two nights ago and now he has two under his belt.  That's a weight off of his shoulders.  Now he knows he can come through in the clutch when his team's fate lies on his shoulders.  What am I getting at, you ask? The Red Sox just got even better.  Jacoby just got better, making this team even deadlier.  

In other news, A-Rod is giving the country even more reasons to dislike him!!  What's he doing messing around with poker in the middle of the season?  Do the right thing Bud, suspend him.  Give him some time to get his mind off of baseball and to get into a nice slump that'll last through October.

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